You are now able to invoice for Quoted Price maintenance contracts in the same manner as you can for Projects and Service Tickets. What this means is you can now invoice in advance before work has actually been completed, instead of being limited to the "pay-as-you-go" method that has always been used for T&M or Flat Rate pricing type jobs. In other words, invoicing for T&M and Flat Rate is done after work has been completed, and invoicing for Quoted Price jobs can be done before or after work has been completed.
Here's a step-by-step tutorial:
Step by Step:
Step 1:
Click on Maintenance in the main sidebar, then select the Maintenance Contract you want to invoice.
Step 2:
Make sure each Task's Pricing Type is set to Quoted Price.
At this point, you can also adjust the final price if you want to round it off to an even number. The following screenshot has all the numbers rounded.
Step 3:
Make sure that the Ticket has been marked as Sold and Active and that each Task's Approved toggle is turned on.
Step 4:
Choose a scheduler for the job. Then make sure to hit the green Save icon.
Step 5:
Click on the Invoicing tab.
Step 6:
Click on the green Create New Invoice button.
Step 7:
Toggle on all the tasks that you want to include in the invoice.
Step 8:
Select a due date and then click the blue Create Invoice button.
Step 9:
Now you can open the invoice in QuickBooks and send it to the customer. Click on the blue Open Invoice button.
Let me know if you have any questions! β Drop a line in the blue chatbox!