You may work on your budget, and think you have everything dialed in. So you come back to the budgeting tool, but... every field has 0's in it and everything is blank.
Where's my stuff!?
Here's how you pick back up where you originally left off.
When you submitted your budgeting info the first time, you should have gotten an email with your data. In that email is a chunk of code that you can copy, and paste into the budgeting tool, to populate it back up with your data.
Here's the email:
Copy that code, and then come back to the budgeting tool and click on the little import button
Paste your code in the field that pops up, and click Import!
You're ready to roll! Go ahead and make your edits, and update your budget as you need. Once it is updated, you can update your System Setup in your SynkedUP account to reflect these changes