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How To Create a Customer and/or Lead

Got a new lead or customer? Great! Let's go!

Weston Zimmerman avatar
Written by Weston Zimmerman
Updated over a week ago

What's the difference between a Lead and a Customer? A Lead is a person who is coming to your company for the first time and as of yet has not bought anything from you. A customer, on the other hand, has bought from you or had work done by you.

When you get a new Lead and want to add them to SynkedUp, how do you do it? Follow along with the video or the written tutorial to learn the process.

Step by Step Instructions:

Step 1:

Click the +New button on the main sidebar and select Lead.

Step 2:

You will now be on the New Customer page. Enter the Customer's First Name and Last Name

Step 3:

Enter the Client Address. This address will automatically create a property associated with the lead.

Step 4:

Now let's add a phone number. Click on the blue Add phone contact button

Step 5:

Choose a phone type from the dropdown

Step 6:

Enter the phone number

There is a toggle that you can switch on if you would like the number you just entered to be the primary phone number for this customer.

Step 7:

Now, let's add an email. Click on the blue Add email address button.

Step 8:

Enter an email address in the Emails field. Be sure there aren't any typos.

Step 9:

You can also mark an email as primary. Use the toggle right next to where you entered the email address.

Quick Tip: Primary indicators mean this email is prioritized and this is the email that will receive any notifications that go out from SynkedUP.

Step 10:

Next, you will come to the Sales Leads section.  We recommend marking where your new leads and customers hear about you!  Don't be shy!  Just ask them and then mark the toggle that applies!  If you haven't asked them yet, no worries, you can come back to this section later.  An example is shown below.

Step 11:

Enter any tags that pertain to this customer.  Enter the tag and then type a comma to create the tag.  

For example:  Example Tag, (Just a FYI....your customer list will be searchable by the tags that you list.  Example shown below.)

Step 12:

Don't forget to SAVE. Click on the green icon in the upper right of your screen.

You have successfully created your first customer!  Good Job!

If you have any questions, please don't forget to use our chat box in the lower right-hand corner of your screen. We will be more than happy to help you.

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