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How to Charge a Fixed Price Fee

How to set up a flat rate fee and add it to a Maintenance Contract

Fred Pape avatar
Written by Fred Pape
Updated over a week ago

In SynkedUP, there are two ways to create a Service Fee. For example, imagine you want to charge $50 every time you mow a customer's lawn. This is the same every time, regardless of whether it takes you 20 or 40 minutes. Here's how you do it:

If you want to invoice for the whole contract in advance, you'll want to use the first option. If you're going to charge your customer in a pay-as-you-go method, you can use the second option.

Watch the video or follow the step-by-step to set it up.

Step by Step:

Step 1:

Click on the +New button on the main sidebar and select Maintenance Contract.

Step 2:

Select your Customer and their Property and hit Create.

Step 3:

Click on Create New Task.

Step 4:

Name the Task and enter the Cost Code, number of Scheduled Visits, and a Division. Hit Add Task.

Step 5:

For a Quoted Price Maintenance Contract, make sure the Pricing Type is Quoted Price, and enter the $ amount per visit.

Then turn on the toggle for Make changes to all "Lawn Mowing" tasks and hit the blue Push Changes button. This will generate a popup confirming that you want all your tasks to match the Master Task. To confirm, hit Update.

Last of all, make sure you hit Save.


If you want to invoice for this Maintenance Contract right away, read this article for a how-to.

Step 6:

The other option is to make this a Flat Rate Pricing Type Maintenance Contract. Set the Pricing Type to Flat Rate.

Step 7:

Go to your Master Task and hit the Open Catalog Browser button.

Step 8:

Click the plus icon to create a new item, which we'll call our Lawn Mowing Fee.

Step 9:

Name your item to be your service fee. You can leave the Cost field empty because we'll set the price in the next step, instead of letting the system do it. You can name the Units "per service" and turn on the toggle to save this Service Fee in your Item Catalog.

Make sure the item's Class is set to Materials. This is important so that you can check off this item as an actual item when you clock out of this job.

Step 10:

Adjust the Service Fee quantity to 1 and then click on the price. Enter the price you want to charge in the popup and then hit Set Value.

Step 11:

Turn on the toggle for Make changes to all "Lawn Mowing" tasks and hit the blue Push Changes button. This will generate a popup confirming that you want all your tasks to match the Master Task. To confirm, hit Update.

Then hit Save and you're done!

That's how you go about creating a Service Fee in SynkedUP.

Let me know if you have questions!

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