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Bulk Update Items in Item Catalog

This tutorial is to show you how to update your Item Catalog in bulk. For example: updating pricing, categories, etc

Steph Matthews avatar
Written by Steph Matthews
Updated over a week ago

Hey SynkedUP Crew!

Have you been finding it difficult to keep up with pricing increases and changes? If so, this article is for you. We will explain how to keep the pricing in your item catalog current. If your vendors can send you an updated spreadsheet with any pricing changes they may have then you can easily update your item catalog in SynkedUP. This article assumes that you already know how to put Items into CSV format. If you need help or a refresher, here is the link to that article.

Let's say your Vendor comes out with their new catalog and a lot of new prices. Instead of going into your Item Catalog, searching for an Item, and then changing/saving the new pricing you can do it all at once!!

Step by Step:

Step 1:

Click on System Setup > Import & Export > Update from CSV.

You will see this pop-up once you have selected Update from CSV

Step 2:

From here, click on the area that says "Click or drag a CSV file to this area to upload" and click or drag your file to that area.

Step 3:

From here you can select how to match the items. By name, SKU, or both. Most likely the names haven't changed so in my example, I will select "Name". Keep in mind that you can use any of the selections.

Then you want to select the "Cost" toggle since you are updating the prices at this point. Keep in mind that there are other toggles that may be used for other times.

Click "Next".

Step 4:

As you can see below, it found all of my items that need a pricing change from what I had in my catalog to what the new Vendor pricing is.

Click "Confirm Import".

Step 5:

Yay!! Congratulations, you did it!

Click "Done".

If you would like, you can go back into the Item Catalog and do a self check to make sure everything looks good. From this point all of your prices are updated and now all your Estimates will be correct. πŸ™Œ

If you do not feel comfortable doing this on your own or you just don't have the time, we are here to help you! Visit our website at and scroll to the bottom of the page. Click on Bulk Data Import under Additional Services and upload your new spreadsheets, pricing changes, additional customer lists, etc. and we will be happy to do this for you. 😊

As always, if you have any questions, please hit us up in the Chat Box in the bottom right corner of your screen.

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