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Release Notes - August 15, 2024
Release Notes - August 15, 2024
Steph Matthews avatar
Written by Steph Matthews
Updated over 6 months ago

Hey SynkedUP Crew! Hope the busy season has been good to you all. Here is what our team has been up to over the past few weeks....

At a Glance:

Upgrades and Enhancements

  • Ability to schedule maintenance work areas without assigning a foreman

  • Ability to search by tag in the item catalog

  • Invoice console consistency

General Housekeeping

  • Speed up projects list in mobile

  • Timecards created via web app not populating completed date

  • Automated follow up confusion

  • Estimated sales tax on proposals

Upgrades and Enhancements

Ability to schedule maintenance work areas without assigning foreman

When scheduling a maintenance job without a crew leader assigned it would still show as needing to be scheduled. This made it hard to keep track of what needed scheduling and what didn't. We made some adjustments, so you now have the freedom to schedule the job without assigning a foreman or crew leader. It will now, not appear to need scheduled. Hopefully this makes it easier to get things scheduled, even if you don't know who is going to be doing it yet.

Ability to search by tag in the item catalog

We found that at some point along the way, we lost the ability to search by tag in the item catalog. Without that ability, tagging items didn't have much benefit. We quickly got that fixed so feel free to tag away. For what it is worth, tagging is often used to note the vendor you purchased that item from.

Invoice console consistency

In our ongoing effort to improve invoicing, we have streamlined recurring work areas and have made things more consistent. When invoicing a job with a recurring work area, you were used to seeing all the individual work areas listed out on that page. This often led to confusion and clutter, which wasn't useful information. That has now been consolidated to only show the master task, which makes the work areas much easier to read. We also have cleaned up the inconsistency between using the invoicing page and the invoice tab of the job itself. Now, the invoicing popup is the same, regardless of which way you access it. We have added a little calculator function, if you are used to seeing all the work areas separated out to invoice. This will help you determine the amount to invoice each month, without having to do the math ahead of time. This is all leading up to more extensive invoicing changes and enhancements.

General Housekeeping

Speed up projects list in mobile

In an effort to improve speed of the mobile app we made some changes, under the hood, to how the projects page loads. While you will not notice any difference in functionality, we do hope that the speed is found to be satisfying.

Timecards completed via web app not populating completed date

We found an issue when creating timecards via the web app. If you marked a maintenance work area complete it was not populating a completed date. This was also causing the work area to show not completed on the calendar. Turns out that it was an easy fix and that now operates as expected.

Automated follow up confusion

We found we had a small glitch around the automated follow up feature. When your proposal had been approved, the automated follow up icon was still being displayed. Approving a proposal should terminate the automated follow ups but it appeared as if they were still running. We did some digging and the automated follow ups had in fact been terminated but the icon was still showing. We have since fixed that to match, so that it is clear if automations are running or not.

Estimated sales tax on proposals

As you know, we had the ability to display an estimated sales tax on a proposal. Since that feature has been released, we would occasionally see that no sales tax amount was being displayed. We rely on QuickBooks to generate that sales tax and sometimes it would not return a value. After extensive testing and experimentation, we believe that we have finally solved that issue. We would appreciate it if you let us know if you don't see an estimated sale tax showing when you feel you should.

As always, if you have any questions, please hit us up in the chat box. Always remember to refresh often so you are up to date with the most recent version.

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