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Release Notes - June 4, 2020
Release Notes - June 4, 2020
Weston Zimmerman avatar
Written by Weston Zimmerman
Updated over a year ago

Hey guys, happy to report some new enhancements that are being delivered today! Below is a list of all the items that are included in the June 4 release:

Web App:

  • Enhancements to Invoicing Workflow for Projects

  • Update to Invoicing for Service Tickets

  • Job Costing Enhancements

  • New PDF report for Approved Proposals

  • Enhancements to Scheduling Notes

  • Included all Notes in Sold Notification Email

  • Routing Feature for Maintenance Contracts

  • Removed the old obsolete version of Maintenance Contract templates

  • Enhancements to Calendar Popup

Web App Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed Drag and Drop on Visits Tab

  • Fixed a Bug With Duplicate Line Items in Invoices

  • Fixed display issue for Safari browser on the main dashboard

  • Fixed Problem with Customer Proposal

  • Fixed Problem with Exporting Invoices to QuickBooks Online

  • Fixed Problem with the Weekly Timesheet email

  • Fixed Problem with New Job Sold Email Notification

  • Fixed Issue with Calendar Event

Mobile App

  • Enhancements to the Scheduled Screen

  • Updated Navigation Icons

  • Can Now Clock Out a Single Crewmember

  • Solved User's Name Display Issues in Project/Service Ticket Screens

  • Added Support for International Addresses

  • Added Icons to Workarea Selection Screen for Maintenance Contracts

  • Biometric Login

  • Fixed "Set Pin To My Location" Bug

  • Added a "Share" button

  • Added Client Name to all the CTW Screens

  • Improvements to Items Screen in CTW

  • Fixed Menu Navigation Issue

Web App

Enhancements to Invoicing Workflow for Projects

  • Added ability to create down payment invoices without going through the Customer Approval workflow (only available if project has not yet been marked as sold. Once project is sold, a normal (non-down payment) invoice can be created.)

  • Added a subtotal under each workarea in the QuickBooks Online invoice. This is helpful for when you choose to break your invoice out on a line item "per Visit" or "per Item". It allows you to see the subtotal for each workarea at a glance.

  • Automatically populate the "Message on Invoice" field in QuickBooks Online invoices with the Terms and Conditions defined in SynkedUP.

  • Added and refined some details shown on the Invoicing tab

  • Added ability to send the invoice to the customer via email directly from within SynkedUP. Prior to this user had to open the invoice in QuickBooks Online to send it to the customer.

  • Built user controls in SynkedUP to enable online payments directly from within SynkedUP. This supports credit cards and ACH bank transfers. You can set your default enable/disabled preferences in your My Company settings.

Update to Invoicing for Service Tickets

After analyzing the invoicing workflows we were experimenting with, we identified a few shortcomings with the method of selecting Visits and creating invoices from those visits (for Service Tickets). The old workflow, which we no longer use for Service Tickets, is pictured below:

We now use the same workflow for invoicing Service Tickets as we use for Projects. This approach solved a few challenges and makes it more streamlined to invoice for work done. Pictured below is the new interface to invoice for Service Tickets:

Job Costing Enhancements

We've made some significant improvements to the job costing screen on Projects Service Tickets and Maintenance Contracts will get the same enhancements in the near future. Here's a list of the changes:

  • Changed the layout of the job costing report and added a section to show unbillable costs associated with this job

  • Added a new method (dropdown with toggles under each workarea) to filter out Visits from the job costing report

  • Added a new graph to represent estimated vs actual labor hours.

  • A new workarea view within job costing that allows for comparison between estimated/actual items, and allows users to add additional actual items directly from this screen.

You can click on the little green + icon to add a new item or add a new item from the Item Catalog via the Catalog Browser.

Green indicates that the item was added to the estimate, but never added to the actual side of this workarea. This indicates that your actual costs were less than you estimated for this particular item in this workarea.
Red indicates that the item never appeared in the estimate side, but it did appear in the actual side. This means that your costs for this item were obviously higher than you had estimated.

New PDF report for Approved Proposals

SynkedUP now automatically generates a new PDF for customer-approved proposals. So, when you send a proposal digitally to a customer, and the customer approves at least one workarea, SynkedUP will fire an email to the salesperson alerting them of the approved project with this new PDF attached to that email. SynkedUP will also place a copy of this PDF in the attachments section of this job.

Included in this PDF are the workareas that were approved by the customer, the date the work was approved, the IP address the proposal was approved from, the customer name, and the customer's digital signature.

Enhancements to Scheduling Notes

Prior to this update, Scheduling Notes only appeared in the Calendar Event popup

We found that this wasn't very practical, as most times users needed to enter notes pertaining to scheduling as soon as the job was sold, not once the job had already been scheduled.

So we added the Scheduling Notes field alongside the Assign Scheduler section of all job types, under the Details tab.

This allows salespersons to enter Scheduling Notes for the Scheduler immediately upon marking the job as sold. These Scheduling Notes are included and displayed in the email that the Scheduler gets upon a project becoming marked as sold. It also appears in the calendar event and in a hover message when hovering over jobs in the left menu.

Included all Notes in Sold Notification Email

We added in all the notes pertaining to a job in the email that users get to notify them of a new sold project or ticket. (Prior to this update we only included customer information and job name).

Routing Feature for Maintenance Contracts

Exciting new feature added to the SynkedUP platform 😁 We now provide the ability to group your recurring maintenance contract work into "routes". You can view these routes in both a list view or a map view.

You can find this new section here:

In this screen, you will see all of your recurring tasks from maintenance contracts in the left sidebar. You can create new routes, and drag and drop tasks to assign them to routes. Once you have routes created you can then go to the calendar and schedule and/or update all the tasks contained in these routes in one action.

This new feature allows you to handle your scheduling for recurring work in a simple, quick manner, eliminating the need to tediously and manually schedule each and every maintenance contract separately.

It also allows you to optimize your route for the shortest drive time/distance.

Removed the old obsolete version of Maintenance Contract templates

The first version of Maintenance Contract templates was rendered obsolete when we replaced it with Service Packages. The old interface for creating templates is now removed.

Enhancements to Calendar Popup

  • Added notes icons in this popup to indicate if there are Project Notes and/or workarea notes.

  • We now show the Customer name in the header of this popup.

  • We removed the split schedule button for service and maintenance jobs, and it now only shows for Projects.

Web App Bug Fixes:

Fixed Drag and Drop on Visits Tab

The drag and drop function for adding items to a Visit from the Item Catalog had not been working properly. We resolved it.

Fixed a Bug With Duplicate Line Items in Invoices

In certain scenarios, when exporting Visits to QuickBooks Online to generate an invoice, it created two (duplicate) line items instead of one. This has been resolved.

Fixed display issue for Safari browser on the main dashboard

Some Safari users were seeing reversed graphs on the main dashboard. This was due to an animation not supported by Safari. This has now been resolved.

Fixed Problem with Customer Proposal

If a user would generate a customer proposal, then go back and delete one of the workareas that had been included in that proposal, it broke the customer proposal popup module. This has now been fixed by not allowing users to delete workareas that have been included in a customer proposal.

Fixed Problem with Exporting Invoices to QuickBooks Online

Some users were having difficulty exporting invoices to QuickBooks Online in a very specific scenario. When a customer profile in QuickBooks Online had no email associated with it, the ability to export the invoice from SynkedUP to QuickBooks Online would break. We delivered an update to handle this and still allow an invoice to be exported, even if the customer profile in QuickBooks Online had no email.

Fixed Problem with the Weekly Timesheet email

The Weekly Timesheet email had been showing total hours with lunch not deducted. This has now been fixed.

Fixed Problem with New Job Sold Email Notification

The New Job Sold email notification had not been firing as expected when a job was marked as sold. This has been fixed.

Fixed Issue with Calendar Event

Calendar Events for Projects had not been showing their completed status with the checkmark and strikethrough. This has been fixed to now show any time a project has been marked as complete

Mobile App Updates

Enhancements to the Scheduled Screen

We now show the time that a job is scheduled for, as well as show the job or task's status with icons

Updated Navigation Icons

Updated the icon set of the SynkedUP mobile app and updated the navigation icon so that it is now the same icon throughout the app.

Can Now Clock Out a Single Crew Member

You can now select a single crew member from the timesheet screen and hit Clock Out. The remaining crew members stay actively clocked in and it does not interrupt their timesheets.

Solved User's Name Display Issues in Project/Service Ticket Screens

We had an annoying visual element where the app showed the user's email address instead of their actual name. We updated this throughout the app to now show the user's actual name.

Added Support for International Addresses

Added support for international addresses under customer profile and customer property.

Added Icons to Workarea Selection Screen for Maintenance Contracts

When a user is selecting their task while clocking into a Maintenance Contract, they can now see the "notes" or "extra items" icons in the workarea selection dropdown.

In addition, this screen now automatically selects the closest scheduled task.

Biometric Login

Ever been frustrated manually typing in your email and password to log in? Well, we now support Face ID. Simply go to your settings in the app and enable Bio Metric Login.

Fixed "Set Pin To My Location" Bug

When updating the Google Map pin location for a property from within the app (Customer > Property > Edit Property > Set Pin To My Location), it was incorrectly placing the pin. We identified the issue and issued a fix for it.

Added a "Share" button

You can now easily share customer or job information with your colleagues. Simply hit the 3 dot menu in the upper right corner from either the Customer, Project, or Service Ticket screen, and you can share all the contact details with any app on your phone.

The share details include:

  • Customer Name

  • Customer Phone Numbers

  • Customer Emails

  • Property Addresses

  • Link to navigate to Property via Google Maps

Added Client Name to all the CTW Screens

We got some feedback that it would be nice to see the customer name while clocking out so users can easily see which job's timecard they are in at all times. So we added the Customer Name at the top of all the CTW screens (which you see during the clock out workflow).

Improvements to Items Screen in CTW

After some feedback and analysis, we designed and issued some enhancements to the first screen (Items screen) in the CTW (Close Timecard Workflow)

  • We added red/green plus/minus buttons

  • Item name now changes color when you edit the qty of an item on your timecard

  • Built a second view for this screen. You can freely toggle between the two views by clicking on the 3 dot menu in the upper right corner and tapping "Toggle View"

Here are screenshots of View 1 and View 2:

View 1 shows:

  • Estimated Qty of that item in left column

  • The Actual Column only shows the Actual qty that was added on this timecard

View 2 shows:

  • No Estimated Qty (leaves more room for item name)

  • Shows the total qty of Actual items thus far in the job, not only the Actual qty on this time card (So if you had added a qty of 3 of an item on a previous timecard, on your second timecard on that job, that item will show with a qty of 3)

You can set your preference to automatically load the CTW Items screen with either View 1 or View 2 in your settings:

  • Introduced a "long press" on item name to pop up additional information feature. This popup shows:

    • Item name and unit

    • Qty of this item in this workarea (both estimated and actual)

    • Qty of this item you added in this timecard

    • New total qty of this item in this workarea with what you added in this timecard

    • Total qty of this item across the entire job. (not only this workarea)

  • Ability to add items to workareas (from the same job) that you had not clocked any crewmembers into. This had been a challenge when the foreman would bring materials for one workarea, but worked (was clocked in to) a different workarea all day long. The old workflow did not allow him to add items to the workareas that he had not been clocked into, even though he had items he needed to log for a different workarea.

  • Added Search feature so users can search for an item in the CTW Items screen.

  • Added collapse/uncollapse ability on CTW Items screen. This screen could get quite long on larger jobs, so to help clean things up a bit and make it easier for the user, we added a collapse/uncollapse feature so users can open or close workareas they want to add items to.

  • Added ability to add items to a timecard without having to clock out first. When users wanted to add actual items to their time card, the only way to arrive at the items screen had been to clock out. This caused a pain point, as users we are not always ready to clock out, but wanted to add actual items before they forgot about them.

    So, we added the ability to add items under the 3 dot menu in the upper right corner when you are in a timesheet.

Fixed Menu Navigation Issue

In the scenario where you were in the Timesheets section of the mobile app, opened the menu, and tapped on Timesheets; there was no response. The app did nothing. We now updated it so that if you tap on the menu item of the screen that you are currently in, it simply closes the app

Whew! 😅 What a list! Hats off to our development team for their strong performance. This article represents a month of work for the team. We are quite proud of them and the work they put in to provide you with features and workflows to make your life out in the real world of running a business easier.

Thanks for all of the support and detailed feedback you guys provide us! Every single conversation you have with one of us at SynkedUP is documented and analyzed to see how we can deliver better tools to you. We couldn't do this without you!

Let me know if you have any questions in the chatbox to the right.



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