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Release Notes - July 16, 2020
Release Notes - July 16, 2020
Steph Matthews avatar
Written by Steph Matthews
Updated over a week ago

Hey guys! Hope everyone had a great week. Here are some new improvements and updates that we've done over the past few weeks. Any questions, please drop them in the blue chat box in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.

Web App:

  • Consultation Issues and Enhancements

  • Solved Issue with status on Service Tickets

  • Changes to the info in columns in Job Costing Screen

  • Added an Items View for the entire job on Job Costing Screen

  • Ability to add Actual Items

  • Added the Catalog Browser and Items Summary button to the Invoicing Screen

  • Implemented pagination on /api/ customers endpoint

  • Added an Indicator in Visits and Time section to identify the Timecard Creator

Mobile App:

  • Decimal key was unavailable in edit Item screen - issue resolved

  • Intercom Messenger was not available on some devices - issue resolved

  • Project Selection Screen was not reading Service Tickets' Status - issue resolved

  • Issue resolved with Google Maps Navigation

  • Store User preferences and settings so they are tied to the User account

  • Issue resolved with Google Maps navigating to the wrong location from Job Details screen only

  • 400 error issue resolved on Timesheets

  • Implemented copy/paste to certain fields

  • Updated the text in the Clock Out button based on Timecard status

  • Added enhancements to the Item Catalog screen

  • Added the Status Selector on second screen of CTW for Projects

Web App

Consultation Issues and Enhancements

We were having a formatting issue in the Calendar Event for Apple Calendar. Apple Calendar did not support HTML text, so we had to switch to plain text, meaning no bold text, etc.

We added additional information to the event. We included Client Name, Phone Number, Email, and Address.

We added formatting ability in the email body that allows pasting links in text or hyperlinking text and attaching files.

Solved issue with status on Service Tickets

  • Maintenance/Service Tickets now will be marked as completed only when all of the tasks are marked as complete.

  • Projects remain unchanged and are marked as completed when their status is manually updated to Completed from the Project Details Tab or the Mobile App Clock Out Screen.

The Calendar scheduled event now shows its Completed indicator (Checkmark and Strikethrough). The Status Toggles on the Calendar Sidebar and the Status Toggles in the Invoicing Screen now work as expected.

Changes to the Info in Columns in the Job Costing Screen

The following changes were made in the Job Costing Screen:

  • Removed the "added by" column, instead, we now show the "added by" name inline with the Item name

  • We now show additional columns. Estimated dollar amount, actual dollar amount, +/- difference.

  • Moved the +add another button over to the left of the item name

  • Squeezed estimated/actual qty columns closer together

  • Squeezed units and billable toggle items closer to estimate/actual qty

  • Added in Unit Cost column so that user can still edit unit cost on each individual entry and/or adjust it in the item header to apply that cost to all entries

  • Added red/green logic to the plus/minus column. Green for when the actual value is less than Estimated value, red for when the Actual value is more than the Estimated value.

Added an "All Workareas" Items List on the Job Costing Screen

The idea of this feature was to create a list of all Items from all Workareas in a single view. In other words, a Master List. This view shows underneath the Tab named "All Workareas" in the Job Costing Screen.

In this view:

  • Shows a list of all the items, with the same logic as we have now, green if in the estimate but not in actual, red if in actual but not in the estimate

  • When you hit the drop-down on an item, it now shows the Visit and the Workarea that the Item entry belongs to, under the Item name.

  • If you add a new entry, you will be prompted to select the work area

Ability to add Actual Items

In the Costing and Analysis Screen, you can now add Items directly to the Actual side of the Workarea without needing to add it to a Visit.

*Warning: Actual Items added in this method are not yet included in Invoicing. ie: if you add Items in this method to a Time and Materials and/or Flat Rate Workarea, you will not be able to bill for these Items in the Invoicing popup.

Quoted and Unbillable Workareas are unaffected by this. You can freely add Actual Items in this method with no side effects.

Support for T&M and Flat rate Workareas will be coming soon.

Added the Catalog Browser and Items Summary button to the Invoicing Screen

The Catalog Browser and Items Summary button was only available in the Visits tab and was not available in the new Invoicing Screen. Now, the Catalog Browser and the Items Summary button are available in the Invoicing Screen also.

Optimized the Customer List for faster load times

The same optimization is coming to the Mobile App and Projects, Service Tickets, Maintenance Contracts, and Calendar Sidebar in the near future. Stay tuned.

Show an Indicator in Visits and Time section as to who was the Timecard Creator

We now display the Timecard Owner and allow filtering by the Timecard Owner.

Mobile App

Decimal Key in edit Items Screen for iOS

In iOS the number pad did not have a decimal key. We added the decimal key in the Edit Item Screen for the Customer Cost and Customer Price field.

Support Messenger was not available on some devices - Issue resolved

Intercom Messenger was not working on certain devices. That issue is now resolved.

Project Selection Screen was not recognizing the "completed" status of the Service Tickets correctly - Issue resolved

We rewired the Project Selections Screen as follows:

  • If a Service Ticket has any Task in it marked as complete, then it should appear on the Project Selection Screen (with the complete/active toggle turned off)

  • If all Tasks within a Service Ticket are marked as complete, then it is hidden from the Project Selection Screen, unless the complete/active toggle is on

Issue resolved with Google Maps Navigation

We were consistently having problems with navigation only when clicking on the Navigate Icon within the SynkedUP app. This is what was happening:

  • The user was clicking on the Navigate Icon in the SynkedUP app (from anywhere: Job Details, Customer, Customer Property, Project, Service, etc)

  • The app opens Google Maps and User begins navigation to the property

  • Navigation stops the moment the User turns onto the street where the Property is (but not yet fully arrived at the property). In some cases, the User is still a mile or more away from the Property.

This was due to a bug on the Google Maps side, we found a workaround by simply prepopulating the address text into the destination field. This has completely solved the issue.

Store User preferences and settings so they are tied to User Account

The User's settings were getting wiped out every time they logged out, which would cause the User to have to reset them. After this update, the User's preferences and settings are tied to their profile. Regardless of what device the User may log in on, their settings are saved and applied. πŸ™Œ

Issue resolved with Google Maps navigating to the wrong location from Job Details Screen

When clicking on Navigate from the Job Details screen, the navigation was taking you to the Customer Billing Address, instead of the Property Address. This has been updated to always navigate to the Property Address.

400 error issue resolved on Timesheets

In some rare cases, User couldn't finish clocking out after tapping Finish on the last CTW Screen, or could not submit the Timesheets from the Daily Review. This bug was corrected.

Implemented Copy/Paste to certain text

Areas that are able to be copied:

  • Job Details Screen: Address & Email

  • Job Details Screen - Customer Details: Address, Phone Numbers, & Emails

  • On Project, Estimate, Service, and Maintenance Screens: Address & Notes

Updated the Text in the Clock Out button based on Timecard status

  • When at least one Crewmember is still "Live" or "Not Clocked Out", the Text remains as is: "Clock Out"

  • When all Crewmembers are clocked out, and there isn't a Crewmember with "Live" time, the wording in the button will now say "Review"

Added enhancements to the Item Catalog Screen

The enhancements are as follows:

  • Included the Item Tags in the Search Queries

  • Added filtering function on the Item catalog Screen based on category.

  • Items display in the order in which the User defined the sorting order in their Settings

  • In User Settings: User can define Default Item Categories that are toggled to ON or OFF. Additionally, the User can select their preferred sorting order of all the Item Categories.

That's it for this Release. Don't forget, if you have any questions or comments, please drop them in the Blue Chat Box in the lower right corner of this screen. We appreciate your feedback. Hope everyone has a great weekend! πŸ™ŒπŸŒž


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