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Release Notes - December 16, 2022
Release Notes - December 16, 2022
Steph Matthews avatar
Written by Steph Matthews
Updated over a year ago

What's Happening Behind the Scenes at SynkedUP...

The Engineering Team has been busting their butts on some major improvements. 🀩 We are beyond excited to tell you about them....

At a Glance:

  • Added the ability to copy jobs

  • Added the ability to move jobs

  • Added the ability to reorder workareas

  • Improved error messaging when importing lists

  • Added the ability to get a 100% down payment

  • Fixed a bug where the Digital Proposal Price and PDF Price weren't matching

  • Fixed a bug where an edited item name was not appearing on the QuickBooks Online invoice

  • Fixed an issue where the custom labor rate was not working as intended

Copy Jobs

After many requests and much anticipation we are very pleased to announce that you can now copy a job to a new customer. This will be a huge time saver and speed up your estimating game quite a bit. For example: lets say you just did a job for Mrs. Jones and it was a complete back yard renovation. It included a patio, plantings, lighting, etc. Now Mr. Smith wants almost the same thing done at his house. Instead of taking the time to rebuild that detailed estimate you can just copy the Jones job to the Smith job and make any adjustments or tweaks, and that estimate is done. This can also be super helpful for maintenance jobs. You may provide a typical group of services (spring clean up, mulch, fall cleanup etc.) to a number of Customers. Previously, you would have to recreate that list of services for each customer. Now, you can build one maintenance contact and copy it to multiple different customers. This has been a long time coming and we are very excited to roll this out to you! πŸ™Œ

Move Jobs

We also have the ability to move a job to a different customer or property. This feature isn't something that will be used all that often but will sure be handy when you need it. Lets say you spend a bunch of time setting up a job, only to realize that it is for the wrong customer or wrong property. Previously the only thing you could do is delete it and start over. Now you can simply take that job and all its information and move it to the proper customer or property. Pretty awesome, right!? πŸŽ†

Reorder workareas

Have you ever created an estimate and wished that you could rearrange the work areas? You may want to lay them out in order of the job or importance to the customer. Now you can rearrange your workareas any way you see fit and they will save in that order. Just grab the three dots next to the workarea name and rearrange to your hearts content.

Error messaging on importing lists

We noticed that when importing customer and item lists we were no longer receiving success or error messaging. This can be frustrating when trying to upload a large list and you can't find what it doesn't like. The engineers were able to get in and create a success message for successful imports or detailed error message for an import with errors. This can be super helpful to find the problem that is not allowing it to import.

100% down payment

On quoted jobs you can now request a 100% down payment. Due to how QuickBooks Online handles taxing on down payments this was not possible but after some engineering magic you now can. This can be great when sending a change order that you want paid upfront or a service call that you want prepaid.

Digital Proposal Price and PDF Price do not match

We noticed that for whatever reason on some jobs that the digital proposal price did not match the price on the PDF. An error was found and now everything lines up as it should.

Edited Item name not showing up on the QuickBooks Online Invoice

A user pointed out to us that when putting together an itemized time and materials invoice, it was not reflecting the custom name for the item on the QuickBooks Online invoice. It was defaulting to the original item name and not reflecting the change that was made. The engineers worked their magic, as always! So, now feel free to edit items names as needed and they will show that way on the QuickBooks Online invoice.

Custom Labor Rate was not Working as Intended

We found that when using a custom labor rate in a service ticket or maintenance job, it was not being reflected in the visit. That has now been fixed and we apologize for any inconvenience that may have caused.

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