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Release Notes - October13, 2023
Release Notes - October13, 2023
Fred Pape avatar
Written by Fred Pape
Updated over a week ago

Hey SynkedUP Crew! This is what our team has been working on the past few weeks....

At a Glance:

  • New items experience

  • Allow for longer company names

  • Frozen toggle on calendar

  • Adding item from time screen class correction

  • Invoicing page fix

  • Filter switch on calendar

  • Items summary totals

  • Sending proposal not reflecting salesperson

  • Customer information display issue

  • Ability to show property name on mobile app overview

New items experience

As you have, hopefully, seen by now we have launched the new items experience. This comes after many months of hard work and while the vast majority of the work was behind the scenes, we hope you like the subtle changes. For a full walk through, please watch this video.

Since this went live, we have been sorting through the few little bugs that have surfaced. Thank you to everyone that have pointed things out and given your feedback.

Allow for longer company names

There had been a limit as to how long company names could be in SynkedUP. We made some changes to allow for much longer company names. If your company name in SynkedUP had to be shortened or isn't how you would like it, please let us know and we will get you fixed up!

Frozen toggle on calendar

When scheduling a job on the calendar, there is a toggle that allows you to freeze the event. The intention is that it would keep the job from being moved inadvertently. We found that we had a bug that was allowing that job to be moved around. We have since fixed that, so freezing a job will now lock it into place.

Adding item from time screen class correction

When creating a time sheet on the web app and adding items to a workarea, if you added an item that was not in your item catalog, it was putting that item in the labor class by default. That has now been fixed and will be classified in the class that you select. If you happen to notice any strange labor items in your catalog, this could be why. Just change them to the material class and everything will be squared away.

Invoicing page fix

We had a couple of users point out to us that when using the invoicing page, they were no longer able to adjust pricing, materials, etc. While you could go into the job and make any and all adjustments needed, it was less than ideal when trying to work through a number of jobs. We found the bug causing this and got it all fixed up so that you can now work down that page and make edits as you please.

Filter switch on calendar

When in the calendar, the division filters would always default to consultations and routes. This made it a bit frustrating having to reset them every time you went in. The program will now remember how you have them set each time.

Items summary totals

We found that the items summary report was not totaling items correctly. The total price was not matching what it should be. We were able to resolve this and now that report is accurate.

Sending proposal not reflecting salesperson

We found a glitch when a proposal was approved. The intention is to have the sales person notified when a client approves a proposal. However, the system was notifying whoever sent the proposal, not the sales person selected on the job. That has been corrected, so the person selected as sales person, will receive the notification that the job has been approved.

Customer information display issue

You may have noticed in a service ticket or maintenance job that when you are on the details page, the customer's information was at the top. If you then went to a different page and returned to the details page, that information would disappear. That has been addressed and now that information remains constant as you navigate around the pages.

Ability to show property name on mobile app overview

In the mobile app, on the timesheet overview screen, it was only displaying the customer name. This became confusing if a customer had multiple properties. We were able to get the property name added so that now, you can quickly distinguish which property is which.

As always, if you have any questions, please hit us up in the chat box. Always remember to refresh often so you are up to date with the most recent version.

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